Articles | Volume 67, issue 3
Special issue:
07 Nov 2012
 | 07 Nov 2012

„Mythen einer Nation“ Zu post-/kolonialen Verhandlungen von Indigenitäten in der Zona Metropolitana de Guadalajara/Mexiko

K. Singer

Abstract. "What has been of special interest for me has been the extension of postcolonial concerns to the problems of geography" (Said, 1994:21). The application of postcolonial theories enables us to question myths, apparently established boundaries and therewith related categorizations between indigenous peoples and the dominant Mestizo society within an urban Mexican context. By the use of post-/colonial images and stereotypes of the indigenous other, folkloristic, romanticizing and racist differentiations are upheld and reproduced within younger generations. In contrast to that postcolonial forms of resistance try to challenge these myths or use them as strategic essentialisms in an everyday practical meaning. This specific perspective allows other possibilities for empirical challenges.

Theme issue